Oct 10, 2022. By Admin


  • A CONCISE RESUME: For the best outcomes, keep your resume succinct and to the point. You should always construct a page-long resume that only contains the information required for the position you're seeking for because hiring managers don't have much time to examine resumes. Two pages of your resume are only taken into account if you have years of experience and pertinent material to present.
  • TAILOR-MADE RESUME: One of the most important tasks in creating a best professional resume CV is tailoring it to the job descriptions and abilities needed. With your resumes, recruiters often go through a screening process where they look for the precise terms and skills required for that particular position. Update any information that has already been updated, including contact information, etc. For your recruiter to take it into account, the greatest resume preparation must be tailored for the position you are looking for.
  • SUMMARY STATEMENT: A summary statement introduces your qualifications to potential employers at the beginning of your resume. Never make these statements too long or objective, and stay away from imitating the format of the browser; instead, utilize a reference and modify it to suit your needs.
  • ACCOMPLISHMENTS: If your accomplishments are relevant to the employment you're seeking, list them on your CV. To help recruiters evaluate if you are a good fit for the position, it is advisable to highlight your accomplishments that are particularly crucial to your position. Keep it brief, though, and omit any information that is unrelated to your job description.
  • CONTACT DETAILS: This is a necessary and anticipated part of your resume. Include all of your up-to-date contact details, such as your phone number, email address, and address. The URL of your LinkedIn ID or other professional networking profile may also be included. Include, no social media accounts, marital status, religion, or other details. Make it easy for recruiters to get in touch with you for interviews and further discussions.
  • REQUIRED SOFT SKILLS: Including relevant soft skills that play to your strengths, such as time management, teamwork, and leadership, is just as crucial for impressing employers as emphasizing technical and analytical skills.


  • RESUME FORMAT: Your CV should be quick to read and efficient with your time. Choose resume templates that provide your document a more approachable and readable appearance. Alternatively, you can choose a template that deviates from the usual layouts. Just make sure your content is concise and clear. Stay away from experimenting with different typefaces, infographics, etc.
  • USING PASSIVE VOICE: Passive voice words prolong the content and lack precision, so avoid using them on your resume. Use just active voice verbs to make it obvious and simple for your recruiters to understand.
  • IRRELEVANT HOBBIES & INTERESTS: Do not list any hobbies or interests that are unrelated to the position you are applying for. To make your CV stand out and be more appealing to hiring managers, you might add elements that are directly relevant to your job profile.
  • INCLUSION OF NEGATIVE THINGS: On your executive resume, stay away from disclosing any negative information, such as specifics about your previous employers or failures. Instead of wallowing in your mistakes from the past, showcase your talents and skills. Always give the recruiter positive information, as using such negative information could lead to biases or discrimination.
  • INCLUSION OF PRIVATE INFORMATION: It is advisable that you omit any private information from your resume because disclosing personal information to strangers is not expected nor safe and will not in any way help interviewers assess your abilities.
  • GRAMMAR AND OTHER ERRORS: A good CV should be reviewed numerous times for language and grammatical errors before being finalized because even minor errors might turn off recruiters. Many online tools can be used to double-check the resume for grammatical errors. You can reach us at or give us a call at 0091 844 844 8780 for further queries.


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